The largest giant banana tree in the world turns out to be in West Papua, Indonesia. The size is fantastic,
A Wealth Of Flora With High Endemicity Exists In West Papua
The biodiversity, culture and landscape of Papua Island have long inspired leading scientists, from Alfred Russel Wallace to Jared Diamond.
Raja Ampat Islands as the Heart of the World’s Coral Triangle, What’s Their Function?
Raja Ampat Regency, Southwest Papua Province, West Papua Indonesia is not only famous for the natural beauty of its small
The Biggest Banana Tree In The World Is In Papua
Papua’s forests contain extraordinary biological riches. One of them is Musa ingens N. W. Simmonds, the scientific name for the
Papuans Have Consumed Sago Since 50 Thousand Years Ago
Sago is the oldest food source consumed by Indonesian people, apart from bananas and tubers. In various places in Indonesia,
Red Fruit, a Prehistoric Plant from the Land of Papua
Red fruit is a favorite plant of the people of West Papua. This fruit with the scientific name Pandanus conoideus
Chewed Like Candy By West Papuan, These Are The Benefits Of Areca Nut
Several regions in Indonesia have a tradition of chewing areca nut and betel nut, which spread from Sumatra, Sulawesi to