La clave de la singularidad y el disfrute del café de Papúa es que los árboles se plantan a una
Rutas De Subida Preferidas A La Pirámide De Carstensz
La pirámide de Carstensz es el pico más alto de las montañas Jawawijaya, Papúa Occidental, Indonesia. Las montañas Jayawijaya se
Route Options to Climb Carstensz Pyramid
The Carstensz Pyramid is the highest peak of the JaYawijaya Mountains, West Papua, Indonesia. The Jayawijaya Mountains were formed by
Through the Joint Declaration Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Strengthens Economic and Security Cooperation
The Government of Indonesia and the Government of Papua New Guinea are strengthening cooperation in various strategic fields, including economy,
El Plátano Más Grande Del Mundo Está En Papúa
Los bosques de Papúa contienen extraordinarias riquezas biológicas. Uno de ellos es Musa ingens N. W. Simmonds, el nombre científico
Datos curiosos sobre Raja Ampat, el último cielo de la Tierra
Raja Ampat es uno de los nombres de la región en la provincia sudoccidental de Papúa, Indonesia, que es famosa
West Papuan Largest Banana Tree, the World’s Largest Banana 7 Times the Normal Size
The largest giant banana tree in the world turns out to be in West Papua, Indonesia. The size is fantastic,
After Decades of Pitch Darkness, Now Lanny Jaya West Papua Residents Can Enjoy Electricity
The National Electricity Company of Indonesia succeeded in electrifying the capital city of Lanny Jaya Regency after the Handover of
West Papua Distributes Electricity to Papua New Guinea, James Marape Thanked
Indonesia President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the National Electricity Company to turn on electricity in Wutung, a region of Papua
Preparing Skilled Workers in Jayapura, West Papua
The unemployment rate in Jayapura City, Papua Province, is currently decreasing in line with the expansion of the New Autonomous