National Electricity Company Provides Free Electricity Connections for West Papua Residents
15 August, 2024Share:
National Electricity Company Provides Free Electricity Connections for West Papua Residents

The National Electricity Company of Indonesia, Papua and West Papua Regional Unit, Indonesia has provided electricity connection assistance to 136 recipient families registered in the Light Up The Dream program. This initiative was carried out to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
General Manager of the National Electricity Company, Papua and West Papua Regional Unit, Rizky Mochamad, explained in Jayapura, Papua Province, Indonesia that this program is here to help residents who are unable and do not yet have an electricity connection.
“So the recipients of this assistance are residents who are truly underprivileged and the 900 volt ampere electricity connection is provided free of charge,” he said.
For Jayapura City, the National Electricity Company provided electricity connection assistance to 14 customers, one of which is in Heram Village, Heram District. Rizky added that their target in 2024 is to provide electricity connection assistance to 95 customers for free.
The Light Up The Dream program is expected to have a positive impact on every beneficiary family. He explained that the budget for the electricity connection in this program came from employees working in eight work units of the National Electricity Company, Papua and West Papua Regional Main Unit.
Acting Mayor of Jayapura, Christian Sohilait, expressed his appreciation to the National Electricity Company, Papua and West Papua Regional Main Unit for their contribution in helping the community in the area. “This is extraordinary, especially since the budget comes from the National Electricity Company employees themselves. Therefore, we express our appreciation and hope that in the future the National Electricity Company will continue to serve the people of Jayapura City,” he said.