To prevent the West Papuan generation from the dangers of Polio or a virus that can cause paralysis, the Papua Provincial Health Service, West Papua, Indonesia, together with UNICEF continue to provide outreach on polio prevention to the community.
Polio Vaccine Program Targets More than 188 Thousand Children in West Papua
27 May, 2024

Polio Vaccine Program Targets More than 188 Thousand Children in West Papua

/ 9 months ago
To prevent the West Papuan generation from the dangers of Polio or a virus that can cause paralysis, the Papua Provincial Health Service, West Papua, Indonesia, together with UNICEF continue to provide outreach on polio prevention to the community.

To prevent the West Papuan generation from the dangers of Polio or a virus that can cause paralysis, the Papua Provincial Health Service, West Papua, Indonesia, together with UNICEF continue to provide outreach on polio prevention to the community.

Polio itself is actually easy to prevent with the polio vaccine, but for sufferers who have been exposed to polio it will be difficult to cure.   While it is very easy to spread, polio can be transmitted through contaminated water and food or contact with infected people.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division (Kabid P2P) of the Papua Provincial Health Service, dr. Aaron Rumainum said that 3 cases had been found in Timika (Central Papua Province), Nduga (Mountain Papua Province) and Asmat (South Papua Province), while Papua Province had no cases yet, and it was hoped that no cases would be found.

Aware of the dangers and risks of Polio itself, his party together with UNICEF continue to socialize the importance of vaccines for preventing polio.

“On May 27 2024, the polio vaccine will be launched simultaneously and as many as 188,659 children aged zero to 7 years 11 months will be the targets for administering the oral or drop polio vaccine,” he said.

   According to Aaron, this vaccine will be given in two stages, the first stage is 2 vaccines, and the second stage is 2 vaccines. The first vaccine given to children is a disease-resistant polio drop vaccine to prevent Type 2 Polio, then the next polio drop vaccine is given to provide immunity to Type 1 and 3 Polio viruses.

“Polio vaccination is important, what’s more, three provinces around us have already had cases, so we in Papua have to anticipate it considering that the spread of polio is very fast and easy,” he explained.

According to him, the polio vaccine is very safe, so people don’t need to worry. Apart from being dripped and tasting sweet, this polio vaccine also does not cause fever, because it is only dropped into the mouth of babies from 0 months to children aged 7 years, 8 months, 29 days.

   “The Polio vaccine has been distributed to every Community Health Center. “Apart from the Community Health Center, the administration of Polio drops vaccine will also be carried out at the Sub-Public health center, Child health center and educational units, Kindergarten and Elementary School, as well as other immunization posts under the coordination of the Community Health Center,” he explained.

    UNICEF Papua Representative Chief Aminuddin M. Ramdan explained that UNICEF is ready to assist the government in fulfilling its obligations in terms of protecting children from polio and other things.

According to him, the polio vaccine is very safe, so people don’t need to worry. Apart from being dripped and tasting sweet, this polio vaccine also does not cause fever, because it is only dropped into the mouth of babies from 0 months to children aged 7 years, 8 months, 29 days.

  “The Polio vaccine has been distributed to every Community Health Center. “Apart from the Community Health Center, the administration of Polio drops vaccine will also be carried out at the Sub-Public health center, Child health center and educational units, namely PAUD, Kindergarten and Elementary School, as well as other immunization posts under the coordination of the Community Health Center,” he explained.


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