The government, especially local governments in Papua, acknowledges the role of fishermen in ensuring the sustainability of future generations. In this role, fishermen are considered to have a very important role and deserve support and attention from all parties.
Indonesian Government Enhances Welfare of West Papua Fishermen
07 May, 2024

Indonesian Government Enhances Welfare of West Papua Fishermen

/ 4 months ago
The government, especially local governments in Papua, acknowledges the role of fishermen in ensuring the sustainability of future generations. In this role, fishermen are considered to have a very important role and deserve support and attention from all parties.

Jayapura – To improve the standard of living for West Papua’s fishermen, Indonesia, particularly in the Papua Province, requires collaborative efforts and coordination involving the provincial and district/city governments, as well as civil society organizations and other stakeholders. With the involvement of all parties, fishermen in Papua can become self-sufficient and produce better catches, thereby enhancing their welfare.

The welfare of fishermen is a concern of the Provincial Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries because fishermen spend their entire lives fighting at sea, thus, they remain motivated to improve their welfare.

The spirit and contribution of fishermen are not only for themselves and their families. Fishermen are a group of people who contribute to efforts to improve nutrition for the community through fish consumption.

The government, especially local governments in Papua, acknowledges the role of fishermen in ensuring the sustainability of future generations. In this role, fishermen are considered to have a very important role and deserve support and attention from all parties.

Fishermen also play a strategic role in realizing Indonesia’s golden programs by providing a supply of marine protein for the nutrition of the millennial generation.

Therefore, the marine and fisheries department continues to encourage fishermen to obtain the Fishermen Entrepreneur Card as there are many benefits to be gained.

These benefits, coupled with direct assistance from the government, such as certification, assistance in providing fishing gear, and the establishment of fishermen’s villages inaugurated by President Joko Widodo in Biak Numfor Regency, some time ago.

Therefore, the trade system of fisheries management is very important because it will affect prices to be more affordable. In the end, all the attention from the government becomes a way to alleviate extreme poverty.

Every fisherman must have a Fishermen Entrepreneur Card, whether they are entrepreneurs, fish farmers, fishermen, managers, or marketers.

Through the Fishermen Entrepreneur Card, fishermen can enjoy many benefits, such as receiving business capital from working capital lending institutions, fuel subsidies, insurance, and school education for fishermen’s children.

Some time ago, the Acting Governor of Papua handed over outboard motor assistance and several facilities for fishing in Biak Numfor Regency, and this is a serious concern of the government in helping to improve the welfare of fishermen.

Moreover, the fisheries sector has become a part of new income sources for Papua Province, following the establishment of New Autonomous Regions.

Fishermen’s Assistance

Professor John D. Kalor, M.Sc/M.I.N.C., a lecturer in the Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, FMIPA University of Cenderawasih, said that the government’s bias through programs to improve the standard of living of fishermen is appropriate, through assistance and various programs, both from the central government, provinces, districts, and cities.

So it does seem to be a manifestation of government bias to improve the standard of living of fishermen, but continuous evaluation is needed to make it more optimal.

Therefore, it is very important to have mentoring and program sustainability for a year and collaboration together so that welfare for fishermen can be achieved maximally.

With this mentoring, fishermen have other activities when they are not in the fishing season. In addition, when the season arrives, how to manage it so that the availability of these stocks remains with relatively affordable prices.

So that, fishermen can be more productive which will impact the improvement of the economy for their families.

To achieve this, the government must be open to collaboration, starting from the district and city governments, including with communities and universities.

For example, in the first year, local governments carry out activities, then involve community elements halfway through the year. Then, at the end of the year, invite university circles to conduct evaluations and further studies on programs and their development in the future.

All of these activities must be directly supervised by the government, as outlined in the memorandum of understanding. Through this division of roles, it is hoped that the productivity of fishermen can be maximized and indirectly, the data collection of indigenous Papuan fishermen can be improved.

In addition, with these efforts and collaborations, fishermen can determine prices for collectors. In the end, fishermen have a higher bargaining power, so collectors do not buy fish at low prices.

Benefits of the Fishermen Entrepreneur Card

Representative of Numbay Port fishermen, Maickhel Awee, admitted to feeling the government’s efforts to increase fish production, which has an impact on economic income, especially with the presence of the Fishermen Entrepreneur Card.

Fishermen feel the significant benefits of this Fishermen Entrepreneur Card, especially when purchasing fuel and having insurance, making them feel more secure due to government guarantees. Therefore, fishermen are very happy if the program can continue.

Maickhel, who catches fish in the Skow area on a daily basis, recounted that some time ago he received assistance in nets and outboard motor engines, which greatly helped fishermen increase fish production.

Previously, they used traditional tools to catch fish, which although considered very environmentally friendly, the results were not optimal.

After receiving government assistance, the fishing range became wider and easier, and he hoped that the assistance provided and the programs for fishermen could continue. Because through assistance programs, it can facilitate in finding fish.


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