Types of Traditional West Papuan Weapons
25 January, 2024Share:
Types of Traditional West Papuan Weapons

Almost every region has traditional weapons, including the tribes in West Papua, Indonesia. West Papuan people have several traditional weapons that are used for self-protection and hunting. Papuan weapons are also known for their uniqueness, both in terms of the materials they are made from and their shape.

Piercing Tool from Cuscus Bone
The first weapon is a cuscus bone piercing tool. This cuscus bone piercing tool is a traditional Papuan weapon worn by one of the indigenous Papuan tribal groups, namely the Bauzi tribe. The Bauzi tribe is a semi-nomadic tribe because they do not have a clear living area.
The Bauzi tribe lives in houses made from leaves and twigs obtained from the forest. They prefer to live on river banks so that it can facilitate mobilization when food sources in that place are minimal.
So, the Bauzi tribe made simple houses that were easy to destroy every time they changed residence.
Traditions that are still maintained today are the traditions of hunting and gathering. These two survival systems are carried out alternately to maintain the ecosystem of the land of Papua.
The Bauzi tribe will collect food by planting plants such as sweet potatoes, bananas or cassava which they will plant in the forest. Before the harvest period occurs, the tribe will hunt wild animals, catch fish and also set traps for wild boars. Then, the weapons they use to hunt animals before the harvest arrives, namely skewers made from cuscus bones. The use of cuscus bones as a traditional weapon is very environmentally friendly. This has happened because in its manufacture, it does not require any industrial equipment which pollutes the environment.
This traditional weapon originating from West Papua is made from cuscus bones that have been cleaned (before the meat is eaten and also separated from the bones) sharpened by rubbing with a whetstone and carried out repeatedly until the desired sharpness of the weapon is formed.

Dagger from the Cassowary Bird
This dagger has a very unique shape with tassels on the handle of the weapon, typical of Papuan culture. This traditional weapon is useful for slashing or cutting when hunting animals in the forest.
Even though the animals they have encountered are large mammals and crocodiles, the Papuan people still adhere to the existing customs. This custom means that you are not allowed to use any type of firearm when hunting.
The Papuan dagger is a knife made from a unique material that is also difficult to obtain in other areas, namely a type of animal bone endemic to Papua, namely the cassowary bird.
The bones of the cassowary bird can be used by local culture to become tools that have useful value for life. The handle of this knife is also a cassowary feather.

Kalawai is a traditional Papuan weapon which has been used to hunt fish since ancient times. Even though at first glance it looks the same as a spear, the Kalawai actually has a different function. Especially when used by fishermen to catch fish, sea cucumbers, octopuses and other aquatic animals found in the sea, shallow waters or low tide.
Meanwhile, the spear weapon itself generally has a function for hunting animals in the forest, and can also be used as a weapon for war purposes. Apart from that, if spear weapons generally have one eye, this is different from the Kalawai which is made with three eyes similar to a trident, or some even make it with up to 4-5 points.
Kalawai weapons, which are still used today, have handles made of bamboo, reed or wood that are longer than spears. At the end, usually there must be more than one sharp iron. This iron is then tied in a circle to the reed and don’t forget to sharpen it until it is sharp.
The term Kalawai itself actually comes from the Maluku language, namely the word “Kala” which means stab, and “Wai” which means water. So this Kalawai could be meant as a weapon used to catch animals in water.
In terms of catching sea animals themselves, the Kalwai used come in various sizes. The small type of Kelawai is usually used to catch fish around the shoreline when the sea recedes. Meanwhile, the large Kelawai is usually used by fishermen to catch large fish.

Papuan Machete
The Papuan Machete is a traditional weapon originating from West Papua. The Papuan machete is a symbol of the strength and power of a man in a household. Local people call it “jalowy”.
During the manufacturing process, the Papuan machete will take quite a bit of time. The machete comes from a stone that is split, then must be sharpened to form a machete that will have sharpness.
Then the craftsmen will add pork oil and pig’s blood before sharpening it to make it smooth and sharp. This is intended to increase the level of hardness and also the level of durability.
This weapon basically has many uses. Namely used for household purposes, cooking, cutting meat and also cutting down sago. Not only that, machetes can also be used in industries such as agriculture or can even be used as a tool to propose to a potential partner.
Machetes can also be used as collectibles, both for foreign tourists and local tourists who need these weapons as decoration on the walls of their houses.

Badik, is actually a typical weapon owned by the Bugis tribal people in Makassar, which has existed since the Sulawesi kingdom was founded. After Papuans began to get to know the outside world, only then did this weapon become a traditional Papuan weapon.
Badik has a shape similar to a knife, but has its own uniqueness. Those who wear Badik which has scratches similar to rice leaves, are called Pamoro Leko Ase.
Pamoro Leko Ase is believed to have the ability to fertilize plants if farmers take it with them when planting plants or sowing seeds. Apart from that, this weapon is also believed to be able to change the character of its owner so that he becomes a spirit warrior, but is light in matters of luck and soul mate.
As a cultural object, the Badik is understood and protected by the local population, because of the belief that this weapon has meaning and value that should not be left alone.

Traditional Papuan Spear
This traditional West Papuan weapon is called “Tul” by the local people. The spear is a weapon that can be used both for inter-tribal fighting and hunting. Apart from that, Papuan culture itself usually uses spears as props in these dances.
This weapon above has been made from basic materials that are easily found in nature. Wood to make handles, and also sharpened stones, iron, or animal bones as spearheads.
For this reason, the spear is able to survive as a weapon that is mandatory for hunting activities. What makes this traditional Papuan weapon feel special is that there is a rule that you cannot use spears for purposes of hunting or inter-tribal warfare.
For example, you are not allowed to cut young tree shoots with a spear or use a spear to carry garden produce. If anyone violates these rules regarding hunting equipment, they will suffer bad luck.
Meanwhile, in the manufacturing process, one spear frame takes quite a long time. Starting from wood that has been taken from the tree, then cut to the size of 3 m in a condition that has been dried in the sun.
After the drying process, the wood for the handle is shaped in such a way, rubbed with sea snail powder until it is sharp, which takes approximately 1 week.
In traditional Papuan customs, the spear can be interpreted as a symbol of a man’s valor. Therefore, spears must always be stored properly. In general, it is hung on the ceiling or can be placed on a support on the wall of the house.

Ax Stone
This traditional weapon from West Papua is one of the icons of the Irian Jaya area, where you can still find many people who use this tool in their daily activities. By some people in Irian Jaya, this ax is called “Jee Jugum”.
The way to assemble this traditional weapon is very easy, namely by tying a piece of rock to wood which will later be used as a base for the handle.
In ancient times, Papuan people used this stone ax as a tool for chopping trees and also making sago. However, this habit is starting to be abandoned because it is inefficient and can also take up a lot of energy and time.
Basically, the function of this traditional Papuan weapon is as a means of self-defense when there is a battle between tribes. However, as time goes by, many people use this ax more as a tool for everyday purposes: splitting wood and also chopping.
Apart from that, the flat and slender shape of the ax really makes it easier for home craftsmen when carrying out their work. Namely by using an ax as a tool for peeling bark that has been used as material for building a house.

Papuan Bow and Arrow
Bows and arrows are traditional Papuan weapons which are usually used to hunt wild boar and other animals. Not only that, bows and arrows are also tools that are always carried side by side with spears.
Bows and arrows can also be used for war, but there are differences in the materials used in the arrowheads. If the aim is to hunt animals, the arrowheads that will be used are made of bamboo. When used for war, spearheads made from animal bones will be used.
Arrows can also function as property used as home decoration in some areas in Papua. Among others are Irian Jaya, Wamena and also Kurulu. In this area, arrows are only used for home collections.
Collecting arrows and bows has become a culture among the people. So it’s not difficult to find a place that sells arrows. Because in general these arrows are intended for collection and are bought and sold on the market or you can also order them directly from arrow craftsmen.
However, nowadays traditional Papuan weapons have experienced many developments and changes due to the effects of modernization.
So the sport of archery emerged which has similarities in terms of technique and equipment. The only difference is the purpose of the activity. Namely, modern arrows are used for recreation, while traditional Papuan bows and arrows are used as tools for survival.