Indonesian State Protects Communal Land In West Papua
18 January, 2024Share:
Indonesian State Protects Communal Land In West Papua

Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency Hadi Tjahjanto handed over a certificate of Land Management Rights for the Sawoi Hnya customary law community in Kemtuk Gresi District, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, West Papua Indonesia.
Handing over a certificate to the Sawoi Hnya traditional law community with a land area of 6,997,700 square meters or 699.7 hectares.
Providing Management Rights certificates to customary law communities so that in the future there will be no more conflicts or land disputes because since the issuance of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960, the Ministry of Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency only deals with private land and state land.
This confirms that the state recognizes customary rights and the government protects and guarantees legal certainty of land rights of customary law communities and protects the preservation of communal land.
The handover of communal land rights certificates to indigenous communities in West Papua is the second after Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra.
The agrarian problem that occurred previously was that when the Cultivation Rights Certificate was issued, it was based on communal land and when the Cultivation Rights Law was completed, the communal land had become state land.
“The certificates given are also so that indigenous peoples don’t need to be afraid because as long as the land is communal land, they don’t need to pay taxes,” said Hadi.
In Papua itself there is one institution, namely the Indigenous Peoples Task Force, which continues to monitor the location of communal land which will then be combined with the local regional government so that a decree or regional regulation can be issued and then the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency will measure and provide a certificate.
Therefore, the indigenous community task force was asked to continue working to find communal land to then certify, of course with synergy from the local regional government.
Agrarian Reform in the Papuan Context
The Acting Governor of Papua, Ridwan Rudalamun, stated that the handover of the certificate of Management Rights for indigenous peoples was a manifestation that the state was present in the context of recognizing and protecting indigenous peoples and as an entry point for accelerating welfare development on the Earth of Cenderawasih.
For this reason, the Papua Provincial Government continues to encourage the acceleration of the spirit of affirming the implementation of agrarian reform by considering the Papuan context as instructed by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin during his visit to West Papua on 11 October 2023.
In addition, the local regional government will continue to encourage land rights law through land rights certificates for registration of communal land according to the results of the inventory of customary law communities and customary communal land determined by the regional government.
The handover of Management Rights certificates to customary law communities in Jayapura Regency by the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency Hadi Tjahjanto, is in line with the spirit of agrarian reform in the Papuan context which requires an understanding of land tenure patterns in the past which paid little attention to customary law and conditions. social and cultural, as well as unique indigenous community relationships.
Because the expression that ‘the most expensive wood in Papua is Palang wood’ is widely understood from this expression, one of which is that customary claims over land claims in Papua are a very big issue and require special attention.
Because, almost all land issues in Papua involve claims by customary law communities which are characterized by blockades at government office locations, land acquisition for public use, settlements, fields and transmigrants.
Based on this problem, the Papua Provincial Government together with the BPN Papua Province Regional Office are collaborating through a cooperation agreement in the land sector including resolving land disputes and conflicts, registering communal land, empowering community land, accelerating Complete Systematic Land Registration and developing land human resources.
This cooperation agreement was followed up with the formation of an integrated team to facilitate the resolution of disputes, conflicts and Government land assets.
The formation of this team shows that the Papua Provincial Government is ready to support and cooperate and will collaborate actively with the Indonesian National Land Agency for Papua Province to make the national strategic program a success by accelerating complete systematic land registration in Papua Province.
The Head of the Sawoi Hnya Traditional Tribe, Marinus Nasatekai, admitted that the process of issuing Management Rights for the customary law community’s communal land had gone through quite a long stage.
However, by granting certificates by the government, the existence of indigenous peoples has been recognized and the state protects customary rights.
One of the objectives of the Management Rights certificate received by indigenous communities is also to improve the community’s economy so that in the future it is a matter of how the land is managed properly so that the community can also be empowered.
So far, indigenous people have met all their needs with simple equipment according to their limited physical abilities.
With this certificate, the community can improve their economy through daily livelihoods in Sawoy Village, namely animal husbandry and agriculture. Once the Management Rights certificate is held, the regional government has the responsibility to improve welfare through policies that are pro-community and customary
The Presence Of The Indonesian State Protects Communal Land In West Papua
Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency Hadi Tjahjanto handed over a certificate of Land Management Rights for the Sawoi Hnya customary law community in Kemtuk Gresi District, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, West Papua Indonesia.
Handing over a certificate to the Sawoi Hnya traditional law community with a land area of 6,997,700 square meters or 699.7 hectares.
Providing HPL certificates to customary law communities so that in the future there will be no more conflicts or land disputes because since the issuance of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960, the Ministry of Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency only deals with private land and state land.
This confirms that the state recognizes customary rights and the government protects and guarantees legal certainty of land rights of customary law communities and protects the preservation of communal land.
The handover of communal land rights certificates to indigenous communities in West Papua is the second after Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra.
The agrarian problem that occurred previously was that when the Cultivation Rights Certificate was issued, it was based on communal land and when the Cultivation Rights Law was completed, the communal land had become state land.
“The certificates given are also so that indigenous peoples don’t need to be afraid because as long as the land is communal land, they don’t need to pay taxes,” said Hadi.
In Papua itself there is one institution, namely the Indigenous Peoples Task Force, which continues to monitor the location of communal land which will then be combined with the local regional government so that a decree or regional regulation can be issued and then the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency will measure and provide a certificate.
Therefore, the indigenous community task force was asked to continue working to find communal land to then certify, of course with synergy from the local regional government.
Agrarian Reform in the Papuan Context
The Acting Governor of Papua, Ridwan Rudalamun, stated that the handover of the certificate of Management Rights for indigenous peoples was a manifestation that the state was present in the context of recognizing and protecting indigenous peoples and as an entry point for accelerating welfare development on the Earth of Cenderawasih.
For this reason, the Papua Provincial Government continues to encourage the acceleration of the spirit of affirming the implementation of agrarian reform by considering the Papuan context as instructed by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin during his visit to West Papua on 11 October 2023.
In addition, the local regional government will continue to encourage land rights law through land rights certificates for registration of communal land according to the results of the inventory of customary law communities and customary communal land determined by the regional government.
The handover of Management Rights certificates to customary law communities in Jayapura Regency by the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Indonesian National Land Agency Hadi Tjahjanto, is in line with the spirit of agrarian reform in the Papuan context which requires an understanding of land tenure patterns in the past which paid little attention to customary law and conditions. social and cultural, as well as unique indigenous community relationships.
Because the expression that ‘the most expensive wood in Papua is Palang wood’ is widely understood from this expression, one of which is that customary claims over land claims in Papua are a very big issue and require special attention.
Because, almost all land issues in Papua involve claims by customary law communities which are characterized by blockades at government office locations, land acquisition for public use, settlements, fields and transmigrants.
Based on this problem, the Papua Provincial Government together with the BPN Papua Province Regional Office are collaborating through a cooperation agreement in the land sector including resolving land disputes and conflicts, registering communal land, empowering community land, accelerating Complete Systematic Land Registration and developing land human resources.
This cooperation agreement was followed up with the formation of an integrated team to facilitate the resolution of disputes, conflicts and Government land assets.
The formation of this team shows that the Papua Provincial Government is ready to support and cooperate and will collaborate actively with the Indonesian National Land Agency for Papua Province to make the national strategic program a success by accelerating complete systematic land registration in Papua Province.
The Head of the Sawoi Hnya Traditional Tribe, Marinus Nasatekai, admitted that the process of issuing Management Rights for the customary law community’s communal land had gone through quite a long stage.
However, by granting certificates by the government, the existence of indigenous peoples has been recognized and the state protects customary rights.
One of the objectives of the Management Rights certificate received by indigenous communities is also to improve the community’s economy so that in the future it is a matter of how the land is managed properly so that the community can also be empowered.
So far, indigenous people have met all their needs with simple equipment according to their limited physical abilities.
With this certificate, the community can improve their economy through daily livelihoods in Sawoy Village, namely animal husbandry and agriculture. Once the Management Rights certificate is held, the regional government has the responsibility to improve welfare through policies that are pro-community and customary