Various efforts have been made by the Government, the Indonesian General Election Commission, the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency, and the Army-Police in every region in Indonesia, including West Papua, on how to oversee the election process which is currently in the campaign stage so that it runs according to the rules.
Optimism for Safe, Peaceful and Smooth Elections in West Papua
18 December, 2023

Optimism for Safe, Peaceful and Smooth Elections in West Papua

/ 9 months ago
Various efforts have been made by the Government, the Indonesian General Election Commission, the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency, and the Army-Police in every region in Indonesia, including West Papua, on how to oversee the election process which is currently in the campaign stage so that it runs according to the rules.

The 2024 Indonesian General Election is less than 2 months away. The electoral political celebration which will be held on February 14 2024 is of concern to all parties, especially the Indonesian General Election Commission and the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency as organizers as well as the Indonesian Army and Police in order to realize safe and peaceful elections in West Papua.

Various efforts have been made by the Government, the Indonesian General Election Commission, the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency, and the Army-Police in every region in Indonesia, including West Papua, on how to oversee the election process which is currently in the campaign stage so that it runs according to the rules.

The West Papua Police have confirmed their commitment to ensuring that the 2024 election process runs safely by carrying out Operation Mantap Brata Cartenz. The operation was specifically designed to secure the presidential and vice presidential elections.

The current campaign period is also a challenge for the local police following the existence of three New Autonomous Regions in West Papua.

The New Autonomous Region is also the focus of the Papua Regional Police together with the Indonesian Army in creating a security situation and public order so that it remains conducive in the lead-up to, on the day of, and after the election in the area.

As a form of commitment to ensuring that the election process runs peacefully, the Papua Regional Police together with the local Religious Harmony Forum held a Spiritual Awakening Service and an Indonesian Prayer Concert, a peaceful election in mid-December in Sentani, Jayapura Regency.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mathius Fakhiri said that this religious activity was believed to help the election run safely, peacefully and successfully. Of course, it is also thanks to contributions from stakeholders, religious leaders and the community in the area.

Because, Indonesia does not only belong to one group or one religion, but rather belongs to all religious believers and all Indonesian people are obliged to maintain togetherness as religious communities.

Religious communities in Papua are asked to act as responsible individuals to maintain peace in the implementation of elections. Likewise, the TNI-Polri will always remain neutral and ready to secure the running of the 5-year democratic party.

  “For this reason, we invite all Papuan people to exercise their right to vote during the voting on February 14 2024,” said the Papua Police Chief.

Simultaneous revival services and joint prayers to welcome the elections were also held on December 5 2023 in five districts, namely Yahukimo, Jayawijaya, Nduga, Nabire and Intan Jaya districts.

Then on December 8 2023 a similar activity was held in Bintang Mountains Regency and on December 11-12 2023 interfaith prayers and fasting were held in Jayapura Regency.

The role of religious figures

Revival services and joint prayers ahead of the presidential and vice presidential elections as well as legislative members are very important to carry out as a ‘coolant’ for the heated competition between political parties and individual participants in the 2024 elections.

Chairman of the Forum for Religious Harmony in Papua Province, Lupiyus Biniluk, said that the revival service and joint prayer were aimed at ensuring that the democratic party in the area could run smoothly.

The year 2024 is a year full of challenges so that everyone in Indonesia and Papua needs a “breakthrough” from God.

In this way, the 5-year political agenda will run according to the rules set by the organizers. Even at the voting stage, the people will also choose the best people to lead this nation.

Apart from revival services and group prayers, another important thing is the outreach of voter education to religious counselors and the Religious Harmony Forum so that religious figures can provide understanding regarding unity and oneness in preventing conflict between believers ahead of the 2024 elections.

To realize peaceful elections in Papua, cooperation and synergy are needed from all parties, including religious leaders. Religious leaders have a crucial role in educating every congregation about the importance of maintaining harmony.

Then we need the support of all stakeholders to unite to ensure that the elections in West Papua can take place in an orderly and peaceful manner and maintain the integrity of the nation.

The Indonesian General Election Commission for Papua Province mapped out that there are two types of vulnerabilities in the 2024 Election in that area in the form of security vulnerabilities which are of concern to the security forces of the Indonesian Army and also the Police, while the Indonesian General Election Commission is more concerned with vulnerabilities in implementation.

The first implementation will be vulnerable during the distribution of ballot papers due to terrain difficulties and possibly high rainfall in February 2024. However, the Papuan Indonesian General Election COMMISSION is still trying its best to overcome this.

The Indonesian General Election Commission for Papua has also mapped areas that are vulnerable to the 2024 elections, such as Mamberamo Raya and Waropen regencies which are included in Category I, while Keerom, Sarmi, Biak, Supiori, Yapen Islands, and Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City are included in Category II.

The implementation of elections, especially in areas that are included in Category I or the highest level of vulnerability, has been anticipated so that the elections are believed to be able to run smoothly without complicated problems occurring.

Meanwhile, the 2024 elections in Papua that are vulnerable are the elections for members of the provincial, district and city Regional People’s Representative Councils as well as the regional head elections in September 2024.

However, the election of president and vice president, members of the central parliament and regional parliament, does not cause too many problems among the Papuan people.

Despite this vulnerability, the local Indonesian General Election Commission always emphasizes the importance of maintaining a sense of security and comfort during the campaign period until after the election. The Indonesian General Election Commission is also intensively conducting outreach on the stages of the election to first-time voters in order to increase their participation during voting

Because of the 727,835 residents on the Permanent Voter List, 10 percent are first-time voters.

All the preparations and early anticipation carried out by these stakeholders are important for creating a smooth, safe and peaceful 2024 election in the Land of Papua.–
Susetyo Raharjo+62 813 165 77 001


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