Where Is The Authentic Papua Black Orchid?
20 June, 2023Share:
Where Is The Authentic Papua Black Orchid?

Keyword “Papua Black Orchid” is searched with the largest search engine Google, so there will be a lot of information available about this type of orchid. However, all of this information cannot be proven scientifically correct. There is no detailed location, altitude, or scientific name identity. It was only mentioned that the Papua Black Orchid is very rare, endangered, lives in the interior of the forest, and is difficult to cultivate outside its natural habitat. In addition, plus the selling price of up to 100 million rupiah, this information about orchids is very interesting.
Of all the articles presented, there is one photo in common, namely a photo of a black orchid flower. The orchid has a white labellum with dense pink spots on the edges and black spots on the tips, and a yellow callus with black markings in the center of the labellum.
Photos of Papua black orchids circulating on the internet are not true Papua black orchids. The black orchids on most article on internet are the Kalimantan black orchid Coelogyne pandurata Lindl. and the Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight ‘Geyserland’.
Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight ‘Geyserland’ orchid is a type of hybrid or cruciferous orchid that was popular between 2001 and early 2015. This orchid was the result of a cross between a Cymbidium orchid cultivation expert from the United States, Andy Easton. The parental or parent of this orchid is Cymbidium Janet Holland x Cymbidium Khairpour. Detailed information about this type of cruciferous orchid can be seen in the literature section. But clearly, this orchid does not deserve to be called the ‘Black Papua Orchid’. This is because this orchid is not a natural orchid from Papua, but a cruciferous orchid from the United States.
Papua Black Orchid
Many indigenous Papuans maintain orchids taken from the forests of West Papua, and name their orchids the Black Papua Orchid. After being successfully identified, Papua black orchids in question are Coelogyne beccarii Rchb.f., however, until now, there is no orchid that is really well known internationally as the Papua Black Orchid.

Coelogyne beccarii Rchb.f
habitat : West Papua and Papua Guinea primary forest at an altitude of about 200-300 meters above sea level.
Roots: Creeps up to 50 centimeters.
Stem: dark/black color, shape similar to rattan. length can reach 100 centimeters
Leaves: Dark/black, single, elongated shape up to 25 cm
Flowers: Red, stiff like plastic flowers
Flower stem: Slightly dark, branching, long about 55 cm,
Seeds: formed from flower stalks, which are enlarged and black in color,
Characteristics: The color will be Total black if the flower stalk enlarges like guava.