In response to this situation, I, as a community leader in Keerom Regency, especially in the East Arso District of Papua Mountains Province, appeal to all Papuans who still consider themselves to be The West Papua Armed Criminal Group in Keerom, not to be easily provoked by incidents incidents in the Mountains region
The Former West Papua Separatist Commander Appealed To Papuans Not To Be Provoked By The Situation In The Papua Highlands Province
03 May, 2023

The Former West Papua Separatist Commander Appealed To Papuans Not To Be Provoked By The Situation In The Papua Highlands Province

/ 1 year ago
In response to this situation, I, as a community leader in Keerom Regency, especially in the East Arso District of Papua Mountains Province, appeal to all Papuans who still consider themselves to be The West Papua Armed Criminal Group in Keerom, not to be easily provoked by incidents incidents in the Mountains region

Former Commander of the west papua armed criminal group based in Victoria on the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border, Lambert Pekikir appealed to Papuans not to be provoked by the situation in the mountainous region of Papua, Papua Mountains Province.

The Papua Mountains region has seen Susi Air pilots being taken hostage since February 7 2023, the shooting of members of the TNI-Polri by TPN-PB in Nduga and in Intan Jaya, the shooting of airplanes in Beoga, Puncak which had an impact on closing flight access.

Shooting and burning of schools in Ilaga, Puncak and shootings of Police and Army personnel in Ilu, Puncak Jaya. These actions resulted in displacement, closure of flight access and loss of life.

“In response to this situation, I, as a community leader in Keerom Regency, especially in the East Arso District of Papua Mountains Province, appeal to all Papuans who still consider themselves to be The West Papua Armed Criminal Group in Keerom, not to be easily provoked by incidents incidents in the Mountains region,” said Pekikir.

Pekikir invites the Papuan people to jointly maintain the security and peace situation in the customary territory of Keerom Regency, in accordance with the Keerom Land of Peace agreement that has been mutually agreed upon, for the sake of survival, prosperity and progress of development in the Keerom land.

“We all still want to see and feel that our next children and young people can play and go to school for their own future, parents and mothers can work in offices, garden, raise livestock and others,” he said. Keerom is Stoic Peace always blessed by God, amen,” said Pekikir.


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