Humanist and Development Approach for West Papua as an Effort Against the West Papua National Liberation Army
05 April, 2023Share:
Humanist and Development Approach for West Papua as an Effort Against the West Papua National Liberation Army

The hostage-taking of the pilot of the New Zealand national Susi Air Airline by The West Papua National Liberation Army as West Papua Armed Criminal Group in West Papua has not been resolved. The West Papua Armed Criminal Group itself is a resistance group against the Indonesian government in its efforts to liberate West Papua. Unfortunately, this group is known to be ruthless, ruthless, and does not hesitate to kill civilians.
Many victims have fallen as a result of the cruelty of the West Papua Armed Criminal Group, starting from the shootings of Indonesian Army and Police personnel, burning houses and churches, killing civilians, and often attacking the activities of companies operating there.
The West Papua Armed Criminal Group began to emerge during the Soeharto Government (1965). The West Papua Armed Criminal Group expressed the disappointment of the people of Irian Jaya towards the government at that time. Papua was left poor and underdeveloped and development in terms of infrastructure, education and health was not carried out by the government under President Soeharto.
From this disappointment, they formed a separatist organization to separate themselves from the Republic of Indonesia. The West Papua Armed Criminal Group is very difficult to crush with military operations. They get supplies of weapons, ammunition and food from within and outside the country.
The existence of the West Papua Armed Criminal Group is a terrifying terror for Papuans. They cannot carry out activities freely like citizens in general. At all times they must be alert to the appearance of the West Papua Armed Criminal Group which could take them hostage or burn the house and take food.
Papuans must also get used to hearing gunshots and shootings between the Army-Police and the West Papua Armed Criminal Group. Not infrequently residents there are hit by “stray bullets” as a result of armed contact between security forces and the West Papua Armed Criminal Group which results in death.
Solving the root causes of the Papuan conflict can only be done through dialogue, not through violent intervention by the TNI-Polri. Therefore, the central government needs to start a dialogue with Papuan separatist figures under the mediation of a neutral third party. On the other hand, the government can also develop Papua into an equal territory from various aspects of life to prove that Papua is indeed part of the Republic of Indonesia.
Development can start from infrastructure and education and health facilities. Education is very crucial in fighting the West Papua Armed Criminal Group indirectly in an effort to prevent the emergence and development of armed criminal groups or separatist groups. With education, Papuans become more educated so they are not easily persuaded to join the West Papua Armed Criminal Group.
There is also a need to approach young people who sympathize with and join armed groups to return to school. In addition, infrastructure development that connects various regions in Papua will make the economy grow. A growing economy will be able to absorb a large number of workers in Papua so that Papuans will become more prosperous. Over time, the West Papua Armed Criminal Group will be abandoned because they realize that there is no benefit for them to remain in this organization.
The death toll from this conflict has been more than enough. The Indonesian government needs to change its security approach to the conflict in Papua. The government can take a humanist approach that touches on the root causes of the conflict and is accompanied by the construction of facilities and infrastructure there as an effort to combat the West Papua Armed Criminal Group.