west Papua, Indonesia is home to many species that are unique and interesting in color. Like this one insect, Eupholus schoenherri
Eupholus schoenherri The Stripe From West Papua
21 November, 2022

Eupholus schoenherri The Stripe From West Papua

/ 2 years ago
west Papua, Indonesia is home to many species that are unique and interesting in color. Like this one insect, Eupholus schoenherri

West Papua, Indonesia is home to many species that are unique and interesting in color. Like this one insect, Eupholus schoenherri, is one of the many insects found in the Papua region and the surrounding islands. The striking coloration of these weevils serves as a warning to predators that they are not a palatable meal. Eupholus weevils usually live among the leaves of yam, which is a source of food and a source of their mild poison.


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