Happy, Optimist, and Proud Youth Papuan
03 June, 2022Share:
Happy, Optimist, and Proud Youth Papuan

Most Papuan are happy, optimist, and proud. They are happy now, optimist for better future, and proud as Papuan.
These finding were concluded base on survey from Kompas Research on March 2022. Kompas is most respected media in Indonesia for decades. Their impartiality and independence were proven time over time.
Kompas found 82 percent of youth Papuan optimist their life is better compared to five your ago and will even better in next five years. Up to 85 percent of youth Papua feel happy and optimist they can compete to youth from others region. For more than 80 percent Papuan, ethnicity not an issue. They live in harmony with people from different cultural background.
For equality, Kompas found 62 percent youth Papuan admit they are treated equally. Papuan or non-Papuan is not an issue in most public service and opportunity for better prosperity in Papua.
More than 80 percent of youth Papuan optimist there will be brighter future for Papua.
For most Papuan, identity or ideology not conflict-trigger. It is liquor that trigger riot, conflict, or other disturbance.